This is a revolutionary energy medicine approach to coaching & bodywork. 

The LaChiara Method is:






Nothing seems to be working?

We REALLY get it!

And we’re here to help. 


This soul activating and deeply empowering coaching approach is simple, it’s powerful, and it really freaking works!

The LaChiara Method combines the expertise of the two of us – seasoned visionaries in the field who happen to be best friends: Gabrielli LaChiara, a former social worker and breast cancer survivor, who founded the LaChiara Method out of a frustration with the new age healing industry, and Chloë Faith Urban, a sexual abuse survivor with a history of chronic pain and illness, who’s life was forever changed by the LaChiara Method so she’s dedicated her life to teaching others what she learned. They are now co-directors of the Method. 

“Words cannot even begin to express my gratitude for the profound shifts in my life and work that stem from the teachings and programs of [The LaChiara Method]. The Week Long Intensive provided me a safe space to fully immerse in the wisdom of the teachings and a deeply supported healing opportunity. The Intro year was an opportunity to integrate the concepts into my work and self process. These experiences have been the catalyst for different shifts and healings in my nervous system and have led to lasting changes with my personal healing. These teachings truly mirror the potential and possibility of magic and love that is available to all of us at all times. I am infinitely grateful!”

- Sarah Vatore

Choose your own


Meet Gabrielli

Creator & Founder

This modality birthed out of the absolute frustration I was bashing up against as a 30 something, one breasted cancer patient, diagnosed with breast cancer the day before 9/11, single mother, in an abusive, alcoholic relationship who was at my wits end with life.  

I was DONE with all the oppressive healing boxes, the societal boxes, the familial boxes, every damn box under the sun – I was literally killing myself trying to fit in and find the right box!

I was staring death in the eyes and knew somewhere so deep inside of me that I must be missing something. 

If the trees aren’t wrong, and the birds aren’t wrong, and the river isn’t wrong, then how am I wrong? Bad? Defective?

And if no one else could figure me out, or fix me, or heal me, or rescue me from my own damn self, then I’ve got to figure this out on my own.

So, out of a conviction to make my own miracles, The LaChiara method birthed. Some of the modality birthed through me and some were tools and practices I learned and gathered along the way (click here to learn more about my amazing teachers).

The LaChiara Method is a profoundly effective potpourri of teachings and tools that saved my life – and hundreds since.

“The experiences I have had in training with Gabrielli are invaluable. She brings her full self to her work and invites you to do the same. This encourages an unfolding of our natural healing potentials from a place of presence. I have never seen somebody so committed to living their purpose as Gabrielli. Her example of how she lives is truly inspirational. In her trainings, every minute detail, every interaction, is an opportunity for healing and transformation through consciousness. I have never felt so safe, accepted and free to explore my natural ability to heal. Gabrielli is remarkably gifted in so many ways, but I think it is her basic commitment to equality that lays the ground for such profound healing. Working with her, I tapped into the gift and importance of Sacred community for collective and personal transformation.”

“Working with Gabrielli & Chloe has been a dream come true for me; their empathic and knowledgeable approach is truly what makes them stand out. The way that they are guided and guide others is special to witness and be a part of. They create an environment of peace, understanding and spiritual comfort in every session and retreat. I am in awe of the experiences, the tools provided and the results.”


“Beginning with [parenting workshops], then winding through private sessions, retreats, tele-classes and continuing with Infinity Practitioner training, my journey with Gabrielli has been nothing short of remarkable. It has been a passage out of the “ties that bind” and into the boundless realm of possibility offered by the present moment. I have become acquainted with my essence and have played with pure consciousness. It may sound complex, but simply stated, I am now free to access my Knowing and exercise my options with ease on a daily basis. What used to feel like an immovable clamoring of emotions is now a gateway to my own sovereignty, leading ultimately to the uncomplicated expression of who I am. I am grateful and look forward with joy to the opening of new avenues.”

I love the Infinity [LaChiara Method] path.  What I love is how it has created pathways for healers to know where to focus – physical, mental, spiritual, etc., combined with body systems like immune, nervous, primal brain, etc., combined with major body organs like heart, liver, etc., combined with what healing to offer, like activations, acupressure points, etc. It’s mesmerizing how a trained Infinity [LaChiara Method] Healer can tune into their knowing and tell you a specific issue and a specific healing which works miraculously well to heal your body, mind and soul. The combination of all of these issues and healings are like 5 x 4 x 7 x 5 x 3 x 6….or literally tens of thousands. But a trained Infinity [LaChiara Method) Practitioner is able to know where to focus and what to heal. It’s a path that will grow all over Earth!  So blessed to know Gabrielli and many Infinity [LaChiara Method] healers.

Ananda Karunesh (Sanjay)

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