We’re humbled and honored that you’ve arrived here and are contemplating sharing your healing journey with us.

Every moment of healing we share with others is a sacred and powerful gift

We are Gabrielli & Chloë – dear friends and allies in healing.

We live, breathe, eat, sleep & drink what we teach.

We believe every single moment is an opportunity for healing. We know that living aware is an ongoing exploration, not one that any human will ever perfect. While we both hold our own private practices as healers, the bond we have forged through our friendship has called us to co-direct the LaChiara Method.

We bring our love of healing, our playful spirits, and our deep devotion into every offering we create. Our ability to meet trauma and pain head on is not only informed by many years of training, but also comes from our own personal experiences of some really hard stuff. We know that healing is no joke! It can be messy, uncomfortable, and even terrifying at times, and it can also be joyful, inspiring, and creative. We are fascinated by these complexities and embrace moments of confusion and discomfort as opportunities to build awareness and ignite healing.

Our intention is to bring our humble, enlivened hearts to you through our precious friendship, openness, and skillful facilitation. All aspects of your experience are important to us. We find joy in bringing the most pristine care to the entire journey of healing.

Meet Gabrielli

Founder, Creator & Co-Director


Gabrielli LaChiara, she/her/hers pronouns, is a white, cisgender woman of Italian descent, age 56 at present time, 2023. She holds her private practice and healing center in Amherst, MA, on the indigenous land of the Umpanchla, Quonquont, and Chickwalopp people.

In 2001, Gabrielli faced her own personal challenges with a diagnosis of breast cancer. This further fueled her desire to ignite healing on any and every level possible. Her commitment to unpack this intense and powerful interface of body, being, soul, and spirit became even more profound.

Gabrielli established a full time private practice in 2003. In 2004, she began the Infinity Healing (now called The LaChiara Method) Training Program with Lori Friedman and has been training reiki healers, energy workers, pranic healers, healers of other modalities, and anyone who is called to apply their intuitive healing gifts for healing humanity. 

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Gabrielli comes to the healing arts with 2 decades of clinical social work, a strong human service base, and 10 years of service as the co-founder of MotherWoman, Inc.

Gabrielli was taught and blessed in the Garden River First Nation teachings of O’pwagain medicine in Native Shamanic Journeying in 2001. In 2003, Gabrielli was divinated in Hamni Esoteric Buddhism by Buddhist teacher, Master Yu. Gabrielli’s work also includes the works of Dr. Carl Ferrari, Neural Organization Technique, and Dr. George Goodheart, Applied Kinesiology. Her work is a blend of neural science, sacred healing arts, energy medicine, compassion teachings and awareness building.

Gabrielli brings great joy and possibility to Earth as a facilitator of healing and is inspired by the teachings and guidance of the ascended Goddess of compassion, Kwan Yin. As both a teacher and soulful intuitive, Gabrielli is devoted to helping her clients cultivate inner strength, increase consciousness, and develop tools and resources for personal growth and success. Through presentations, consultations, and private sessions, Gabrielli’s unique ability to facilitate healing and transformation on many levels has brought life changing results to individuals, families, and schools.

“Gabrielli is pure joy. She encourages us to dive into our deeper selves to taste our true essence. Her teachings support our journey as we move from our fears into our truths, shining light on pathways of endless possibility attainable for all. I have personally experienced a lightness and awakened consciousness that breeds hope, freedom, play, strength and unconditional love. Living in the question of possibility I begin to know myself as I never have before and healing the wounds of my distorted perceptions. I am truly grateful. How does it get better than this?!”

- Cheryl Etu

“I had an amazing hour with Gabrielli this afternoon. The calm I feel is extraordinary for me. The clarity of today, just today, is open and restful. I’m not reaching for tomorrow. There is space now in my lungs for breathing. I can feel them expand more than I’ve ever felt before. The anxiety which has been haunting me has left. I’m tired and exhilarated all at the same time. I’m simply happy.”

- Trish Kent

Gabrielli has been an amazing Light in my life. She has shed light on what is truly possible for me and has helped me navigate many challenging situations. When you are psychologically stuck (even when you don’t know it), Gabrielli can break the cement off your feet and get you moving in a more rewarding direction and even dancing again. When you are physically ill, Gabrielli can help you create a structure that supports healing. When energies are off, Gabrielli literally can do energetic surgery on you that, I swear, is more powerful than if you were in a hospital with a surgeon cutting you open with a knife. Sometimes I come out of my sessions with Gabrielli shaking my head, wondering what else is possible in this amazing life. Gabrielli is grounded, real and powerful.”

- Robert Wilson

“Gabrielli — I am so grateful for you – I really feel like a new person, and like I have come back into myself again. (Thank god, I have missed me for the last few weeks 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time to do that with me today.”

- Client

Meet Gabrielli

Founder, Creator, & Co-Director


Gabrielli LaChiara, she/her/hers pronouns, is a white, cisgender woman of Italian descent, age 56 at present time, 2023. She holds her private practice and healing center in Amherst, MA, on the indigenous land of the Umpanchla, Quonquont, and Chickwalopp people.

In 2001, Gabrielli faced her own personal challenges with a diagnosis of breast cancer. This further fueled her desire to ignite healing on any and every level possible. Her commitment to unpack this intense and powerful interface of body, being, soul, and spirit became even more profound.

Gabrielli established a full time private practice in 2003. In 2004, she began the Infinity Healing (now called The LaChiara Method) Training Program with Lori Friedman and has been training reiki healers, energy workers, pranic healers, healers of other modalities, and anyone who is called to apply their intuitive healing gifts for healing humanity. 

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Gabrielli comes to the healing arts with 2 decades of clinical social work, a strong human service base, and 10 years of service as the co-founder of MotherWoman, Inc.

Gabrielli was taught and blessed in the Garden River First Nation teachings of O’pwagain medicine in Native Shamanic Journeying in 2001. In 2003, Gabrielli was divinated in Hamni Esoteric Buddhism by Buddhist teacher, Master Yu. Gabrielli’s work also includes the works of Dr. Carl Ferrari, Neural Organization Technique, and Dr. George Goodheart, Applied Kinesiology. Her work is a blend of neural science, sacred healing arts, energy medicine, compassion teachings and awareness building.

Gabrielli brings great joy and possibility to Earth as a facilitator of healing and is inspired by the teachings and guidance of the ascended Goddess of compassion, Kwan Yin. As both a teacher and soulful intuitive, Gabrielli is devoted to helping her clients cultivate inner strength, increase consciousness, and develop tools and resources for personal growth and success. Through presentations, consultations, and private sessions, Gabrielli’s unique ability to facilitate healing and transformation on many levels has brought life changing results to individuals, families, and schools.

“Gabrielli is pure joy. She encourages us to dive into our deeper selves to taste our true essence. Her teachings support our journey as we move from our fears into our truths, shining light on pathways of endless possibility attainable for all. I have personally experienced a lightness and awakened consciousness that breeds hope, freedom, play, strength and unconditional love. Living in the question of possibility I begin to know myself as I never have before and healing the wounds of my distorted perceptions. I am truly grateful. How does it get better than this?!”

- Cheryl Etu

“I had an amazing hour with Gabrielli this afternoon. The calm I feel is extraordinary for me. The clarity of today, just today, is open and restful. I’m not reaching for tomorrow. There is space now in my lungs for breathing. I can feel them expand more than I’ve ever felt before. The anxiety which has been haunting me has left. I’m tired and exhilarated all at the same time. I’m simply happy.”

- Trish Kent

Gabrielli has been an amazing Light in my life. She has shed light on what is truly possible for me and has helped me navigate many challenging situations. When you are psychologically stuck (even when you don’t know it), Gabrielli can break the cement off your feet and get you moving in a more rewarding direction and even dancing again. When you are physically ill, Gabrielli can help you create a structure that supports healing. When energies are off, Gabrielli literally can do energetic surgery on you that, I swear, is more powerful than if you were in a hospital with a surgeon cutting you open with a knife. Sometimes I come out of my sessions with Gabrielli shaking my head, wondering what else is possible in this amazing life. Gabrielli is grounded, real and powerful.”

- Robert Wilson

“Gabrielli — I am so grateful for you – I really feel like a new person, and like I have come back into myself again. (Thank god, I have missed me for the last few weeks 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time to do that with me today.”

- Client

Meet Chloë

Co-Director & Lead Trainer


Chloë Faith Urban (she/her/hers) is a white, cisgender woman of British, Irish, French, German and Scandinavian descent, age 35 at present time, 2023.  She lives and holds her private practice in Portland, Maine, on the indigenous land of the Abenaki people and Wabanaki Confederacy.

As Co-Director and Lead Trainer of The LaChiara Method, Chloë has had a private healing practice since 2014, and 3,800 people, worldwide, have attended her online healing courses through DailyOM and her own website.

Chloe has been immersed in healing spaces her entire life. Raised by a Mother who is a healer herself – rituals, ceremonies, and healing were an ongoing part of the environment she grew up in. Through her growth and wisdom she has learned, and is consistently learning, to differentiate those practices that were culturally appropriated and those that were infused with grace, respect, and essence.  Her upbringing stirred in her a deep inner wisdom, and ability to journey and glean messages from the invisible realms of spirit, and instilled in her an honoring of ceremony and sacredness in all of life. These experiences have had a profound impact on the leader she is today.

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At age 20, she became extremely and unexplainably ill, which led her to a deep and challenging search for personal healing. She spent the next 7 years seeking healing all over the U.S.A., and South East Asia, seeing a diverse variety of doctors and healers, and reading countless books about diet, nutrition, health, and healing. In 2008, she attended a 3-month Reiki training and certification program, which sparked her interest in becoming a healer.

In 2018, she hosted an online global event called “You Are the Cure – A Spiritual Journey to Release Your Pain, Heal Your Trauma, and Embody Your Essence”, where she interviewed over 20 experts in the field of trauma, healing, chronic pain and illness, depression, anxiety, and addiction. She had the fortune of speaking with guests such as Dr. Peter Levine (creator of Somatic Experiencing®), Dr. Thema Bryant Davis (Author of Thriving in the Wake of Trauma) , Dr. Richard Shcwartz (Creator of Internal Family Systems Therapy), Dr. Sue Morter (Author of The Energy Codes), among others.

In 2005, Chloë attended art school at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY, and transferred a year and a half later to The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, PA, where she got her degree in printmaking. With her artistic skills and love of all things creative, she started her own successful graphic and web design business in 2010, where she specializes in creating and designing high quality custom websites and imagery for conscious entrepreneurs and creatives. She continues to do this work with a select clientele each year. 

Chloë is also a sought after Ecstatic Dance DJ, has taught dance classes and workshops that merge movement and healing since 2014, and has trained in many different forms of conscious dance and creative arts.

Chloë is profoundly honored to have the opportunity to foster and awaken healing on the planet, through her work with individuals and groups, and through her deep connection with Kwan Yin, Goddess of love and compassion. Chloë also teaches The LaChiara Method and leads powerful healing retreats with her dear friend, Gabrielli LaChiara, creator and founder of the The LaChiara Method.

“I have been working with Chloë for the past 11 months with regards to having Lyme’s disease, co infections of Lyme and many other medical and emotional issues.  Chloë has been a true miracle to me and I am on a healing journey that has lead meto be the healthiest and happiest I have ever been in my 51 years of life.  I recommend working with Chloe for any issue’s you may be experiencing, or just to increase your vitality in the life you are already leading!

- Sue Stangeland

“What occurs in my sessions with Chloe is the most powerful experience I have in my life. I say this having had many personal growth experiences and spiritual renewals over many years in my life. The Infinity Healing Practice reaffirms and makes more solid my knowing of who I am and where I am headed. Thank you, Chloe!”

- Client

“Chloe emanates pure beauty, kindness, and un-conditional positive regard. I instantly felt comfortable with Chloe the second I met her, and was easily able to open up about incredibly vulnerable topics.  Chloe was able to intuitively tap into the healing I needed with only minimal information, and I truly felt she was 100% present with me on my journey.  She is highly skilled, well-trained, and an impeccable and talented healer.

Each time I have left a session with Chloe I have felt renewed, back in line with my frequency, and able to tackle challenges in my life with ease and grace. I cannot recommend her highly enough!”

- Molly

“My work with Chloe is wonderful and amazing! It is among the most powerful and effective work I have ever done in my life (and I have done a lot!). I have met with her regularly over the last 18 months, and benefit from every session.”

- B.H.

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