Soul Driven Change

A Journey Of Liberation

In average times life can be stressful and overwhelming, especially for the helpers, healers, social justice workers, caregivers, and sensitive people in this world. With the backdrop of Covid19 and heightened racial, political, and economic tension and stress, we are seeing even more extreme burnout, exhaustion, overwhelm, and a deep yearning for connection.


How can we effectively address these issues if we don’t look at the underlying causes?

It feels imperative at this time to examine the impact trauma, racism, and oppression have on the body, the spirit, and the emotional and mental health of humans of all racial groups, ethnicities, genders, sexual identities, abilities, and socio-economic classes.

In this learning lab, we’re motivated to explore the triunity* of energetic healing, trauma recovery, and dismantling systemic racism and oppression as interdependent.

We, as white women, are deeply inspired by the many incredible BIPOC activists and healers who have brought attention to aspects of this triunity over the years. Their innovations and wisdom motivate us to continue to show up for and break through the invisible barriers that hold us back from consciously participating in what Grace Lee Boggs refers to as a ”Cultural Revolution”.

Oppressive culture wants to keep people immobilized, terrified, and numb enabling the systems and structures of oppression to continue thriving. People have been confronting these systems for a long time. We need a sustainable culture of change, with more than enough of us linked together in strength and fortitude for the long haul.

Will we ever create lasting societal change if people with the agency to create that change are burnt out from exhaustion, frozen with stress, or in denial?

Here’s a list of symptoms that we find correlate with living in a culture of systemic racism, internal and external oppression, and pervasive trauma. Do you see yourself in this list?

  • Erratic emotions or hyper emotional states (grief, fear, anger, etc.)
  • Feeling unsafe and not sure why
  • Panic and anxiety
  • Feelings of not belonging
  • Intense and pervasive stress
  • Perfectionism
  • Chronic digestive issues
  • Chronic headaches or migraines
  • Indecisiveness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Addiction or numbing behaviors
  • Urgency to save and rescue (fix it)

Join us and discover what happens when divine love and the essence of spirit are infused into the healing of trauma and racism. May we come together to heal, rejuvenate, and restore our connection to divine Soul driven essence, recover our bodies from trauma – horizontal, intergenerational, karmic, and longstanding – and dismantle the devastating impact that systemic racism and oppression has on all of us. This workshop is designed to explore this complex triunity and the subtle, gross, and invisible ways it impacts our wellbeing.

What to Expect

Gabrielli and Chloe, create a sacred, supportive container to explore the dynamic relationship of this triunity. Their work and teachings are based in profound intuition, neural science, energy medicine, and a rich and complex pursuit to follow the organic nature of healing. They weave and dismantle energies that block pathways to emotional healing and invite you on a participatory journey that blends practical, informative curriculum with divine essence. You can expect guided visualizations, structured group and paired exercises, reflective writing exploration, sacred ceremony, somatic practices, and more. 

People from all backgrounds are welcome. Oppressive culture affects everyone of all racial groups, ethnicities, genders, sexual identities, abilities, and socio-economic classes. This workshop is designed for anyone that is interested in exploring this triunity through the lens of energy healing and divine essence. Feel free to contact us with any questions! 





September 25th & 26th

Saturday:  10a – 2p & 3:30p – 6p
Sunday: 10a – 2p


Amherst, MA

How Much

Sliding Scale: $580 – $325

Please consider our sliding scale in terms of a larger global and societal context of wealth.  We’ve been inspired by the innovative pay structure of Dr. Bayo Akomolafe. For more information scroll to the bottom of this page. 

 We look forward to being on the journey with you!

Please consider our sliding scale in terms of a larger global and societal context of wealth.  We’ve been inspired by the innovative pay structure of Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, and present his framework: 


We offer sliding scales based on your relative financial standing and level of access to wealth in the global context.  As you decide what amount to pay, we ask that you not only consider your present-day financial situation governed by income but also factors including:


  • Historical discrimination faced by your peoples
  • Your financial wealth (do you have retirement savings?)
  • Your access to income and financial wealth, both current and anticipated (how easily could you earn more income compared to other people in your country and in the world? do you expect to receive an inheritance?)
  • People counting on your financial livelihood including dependents and community members
  • And the socio-economic conditions of your locale (relative to other places in your country and in the world)

If you feel challenged by the financial requirements of participation, please reach out to us. If this process is overwhelming or confusing, or if this framework does not resonate with you, we invite you to get in touch.  We are open to being in dialogue and relationship around this, we see it as a learning process for us all.


Much gratitude to Dr. Akomolafe for his generosity in sharing his ideas and words.  Learn more about him and his course “We Will Dance with Mountains.”


* Triunity definition: the fact or state of three being in one. 

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events. If you have a disability or specific access needs in order to fully participate in this activity, please contact Rob at or 310-570-7123. Closed captioning will be available on all Zoom events.

Follow Our Journey 


A Chloe Faith Graphics Creation.
©2020 Gabrielli LaChiara & Chloë Faith Urban

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