Infinity Healing Practice
200 Hour Level 1 Training

Registration is open!
for our upcoming 2022-2023 Infinity Healing Practice 200 Hour Level 1 Training
This is a new and improved version of our Introductory Year Training Program – complete with in person training days, 2 in person intensives, live zoom offerings, AND 40+ hours of video content for you to watch on your own time, and have as a resource to go back to. The 200 Hour Level 1 Training is an opportunity to learn a modality that offers tools and strategies that awaken consciousness and ignite healing. Join us in a journey that bridges the indefinable, magical realms of Spirit into the practical form of the Body. The Level 1 Training facilitates a paradigm shift in your perspective on healing and life. It’s not just a training, but a journey of personal transformation.

During the Infinity Healing Practice 200 Hour Level 1 Training you will learn the underpinnings of the Infinity Healing Practice. The training is a combination of exercises and tools that develop insight, awareness, and perception, as well as practices and protocols that are designed to cultivate pathways for healing in the body. Students participate in both individual exercises and group experiences that clear energy, activate healing, re-pattern survival strategies, increase perception, and engage empathic abilities.
Through an experiential learning lab, students will develop skills to release trauma patterns, move energy, map and discern the energetic patterns of thoughts, feelings, emotions, pain, and various types of body sensations, and cultivate the art of presencing.
The Infinity Healing Practice can be used on its own as a private practice, for personal use, or in combination with various other modalities such as physical therapy, psychotherapy, bodywork, massage, reiki, cranio sacral work, acupuncture, teaching, etc.
Our aim is to be on the healing journey with you; to feel, be present and deepen into your experience. Healing is a journey, not a destination. We welcome you to join and sign up today.
No previous training in any healing modality is required or expected.

November 2022 – June 2023
- Nov 7th – 13th: Weeklong Training Intensive, room and board included
- Jan 6th: 10a – 4:30p EST, Training Day
- Jan 7th: 10a – 4:30p EST, Training Day
- Jan 8th: 10a – 12:30p EST, Community Gathering
- Feb 12th: 10a – 12:30p EST, Community Gathering on Zoom
- Mar 31st: 10a – 4:30p EST, Training Day
- April 1st: 10a – 4:30p EST, Training Day
- Apr 2nd: 10a – 12:30p EST, Community Gathering
- June 22nd – 25th: 4-Day Healing Intensive, room and board included
- June 28th: 10a – 4:30p EST, Healing Intensive Closure Integration Day on Zoom
There will also be opportunities for group practice and communication between classes.
East Coast, USA and Zoom
$7,700 – $5,500 sliding scale (payment plans available)
Please consider our sliding scale in terms of a larger global and societal context of wealth. We’ve been inspired by the innovative pay structure of Dr. Bayo Akomolafe. For more information scroll to the bottom of this page.
Beginning with the Level 1 Training, you’ll join in with other members of Infinity Community. Trainees can continue deepening their practice and expanding their skills the following year and beyond.
Training Content
- understanding and working with the survival or primal brain and its functions for survival: emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually
- develop skills that interrupt patterns of internalized oppression and navigate trauma, personal and collective
- learning the Infinity Healing Practice’s Sacred Healing Arts as they pertain to moving, clearing, and dissolving energies
- exercises to increase intuition, perception, focus, and will
- learn healing protocols for managing stress, overwhelm, confusion, anxiety, and depression
- learn basic *Neural Organization Technique as it addresses survival and immune functions
- understanding the chakras
- activating cellular vitality
- and more!

Meet Your Trainers
This year’s training will be facilitated by Gabrielli LaChiara, creator of the Infinity Healing Practice, and Chloe Faith Urban, certified Infinity Healing Practice practitioner and lead trainer. Together, they provide a supportive, caring, and inspired environment for healing and learning. The trainings are magical yet practical, and user-friendly. Co-leadership offers ample support and assistance at every training and allows participants to see multiple ways of approaching the tools at hand.
50% Any Upcoming Workshop of Your Choice
Register for the Infinity Healing Training Program, receive a promo code for half off any upcoming workshop. Promo does not apply for residential retreats/events.

“Another door has opened a new pathway, an invitation, to look inside myself. The power of words is spectacular. Through practice I learn new ways to look at the totality I am. I see options, shifts and possibilities that are now open in ways I was previously unaware how to access. It is conceivable to now look at some things anew and make different choices. It’s easier to let go of old beliefs that no longer work. A conscious and visceral awareness that life offers new concepts of what hopefulness is. I am now taking a closer look at which thoughts create discomfort and then letting them go. In short, a new way of looking into what I want in my life, a new curiosity. The actual work is exciting, not needing to find answers, but rather a continuous clearing. I would say the ability to shift on a dime is amazing. Lastly and by no means least, the energetic part of the work has moved mountains inside of me.”

“Words cannot even begin to express my gratitude for the profound shifts in my life and work that stem from the teachings and programs of Infinity Healing. The Week Long Intensive provided me a safe space to fully immerse in the wisdom of the teachings and a deeply supported healing opportunity. The Intro year was an opportunity to integrate the concepts into my work and self process. These experiences have been the catalyst for different shifts and healings in my nervous system and have led to lasting changes with my personal healing. These teachings truly mirror the potential and possibility of magic and love that is available to all of us at all times. I am infinitely grateful!”

“I completed my Year 1 training this past year, entirely over Zoom. I was skeptical at first; I had been on long board meetings over Zoom and found them to be so tiring and I had a hard time engaging with others in that medium. However, Gabrielli and Chloe have created a special space within Zoom, and our meetings became sacred circles in which we were all held. The screens truly faded away and I saw people, felt one another’s energy, and deepened my understanding of myself, and also of others. Having the meetings over Zoom made it possible for me to take part in this training, and it could not have been more well-timed for my life. I knew that I needed support for my mental health because it all felt like it was breaking down. Before the pandemic I had been working on managing my anxiety and depression, along with my history of trauma. I felt like I was managing it well enough. Then the pandemic hit, and all of my threads of “managing” fell away. I needed new tools and I needed them immediately. Jumping into this community through the training program gave me the roots to go down deep into the earth, with my arms extending like branches up to the sky. I feel grounded in myself, and open to the possibilities. My anxiety still comes around, and I have sadness and depression, fear, and (some) residual trauma in my life. These things haven’t necessarily gone away. What has changed is my perspective, my awareness, that these sensations can pass through, that I am connected to divine source, and I can love all of me, even the parts that are scary sometimes. I know that I still have a lot to learn, and I look forward to the healing journey, confident that my Infinity toolbox will give me everything I need along the way. I feel like Gabrielli and Chloe gave me the tools to take my life back, to listen to my soul speak, that its ok to be myself, however awkward it might be sometimes. I find myself smiling for no reason these days, just because. It feels good to feel good again, as cheesy as that might sound.”

“The experiences I have had in training with Gabrielli are invaluable. She brings her full self to her work and invites you to do the same. This encourages an unfolding of our natural healing potentials from a place of presence. I have never seen somebody so committed to living their purpose as Gabrielli. Her example of how she lives is truly inspirational. In her trainings, every minute detail, every interaction, is an opportunity for healing and transformation through consciousness. I have never felt so safe, accepted and free to explore my natural ability to heal. Gabrielli is remarkably gifted in so many ways, but I think it is her basic commitment to equality that lays the ground for such profound healing. Working with her, I tapped into the gift and importance of Sacred community for collective and personal transformation.”
Meet Co-founders of the Infinity Healing Practice Training
Gabreilli LaChaira & Lori Friedman

We are so excited for this journey together & hope you’ll join us!
Sliding Scale Considerations:
Please consider our sliding scale in terms of a larger global and societal context of wealth. We’ve been inspired by the innovative pay structure of Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, and present his framework:
Historical discrimination faced by your peoples
Your financial wealth (do you have retirement savings?)
Your access to income and financial wealth, both current and anticipated (how easily could you earn more income compared to other people in your country and in the world? do you expect to receive an inheritance?)
People counting on your financial livelihood including dependents and community members
And the socio-economic conditions of your locale (relative to other places in your country and in the world)
If you feel challenged by the financial requirements of participation, please reach out to us. If this process is overwhelming or confusing, or if this framework does not resonate with you, we invite you to get in touch. We are open to being in dialogue and relationship around this, we see it as a learning process for us all.

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A Chloe Faith Graphics Creation.
©2020 Gabrielli LaChiara & Chloë Faith Urban